Seamless custom cut aluminum eavestrough combined with quality leaf guard create the perfect water maintenance system for your roof.
Not only will your eavestrough look and fit perfect it’ll also be easy to clean and very low maintenance. With a professionally installed eavestrough and the proper leaf guard system in place virtually no debris can clog up your system and create a hassle for you in the future.
Get your new eavestrough installed with the DoublePro® or the T-Rex® from Alu-Rex, an innovative eavestrough maintenance system with a continuous hanger designed to keep your eavestroughs straight and clean. It forms the sturdiest seamless structure standing up ice and snow. Manufacturer offers a lifetime warranty covering robustness and defects in materials.
If you eavestrough is leaking, contact us, we also repair existing eavestroughs.
If you get our eavestrough with the innovative T-Rex®, it will be very strong. It can support the weight of snow, ice and ladders. With the T-Rex continuous hanger, your rain gutters are reinforced from end to end. There are no weak points. It can even hold the weight of three people.
When an eavestrough is clogged with leaves and debris, water cannot drain and automatically goes back toward your home or falls to the ground. Water will inevitably leak into roof and foundations. T-Rex prevents leaves and debris from clogging the eavestrough, keeping water from seeping into your home.
Snow and ice remain on top of the product. It does not rust or warp. Your eavestroughs will drain normally when it rains or the weather warms up. It protects against expansion caused by snow and ice thawing and freezing in the eavestrough.
If water is overflowing or you there is visible debris, you may have a clog. We recommend cleaning your eavestrough two times a year, usually in spring and fall.